How Can I Get Help?
If you are in immediate danger, stop what you are doing right now and call 911. They will help you.
If you want to talk to someone who understands what you might be experiencing as a victim, we are here to help. Call 1-888-373-7888. No one needs to know you called.
In order for others to help you, they need as much information about your situation as possible. When you call or text, please have some or all of the following ready:

Town, state, place within town (hotel, bus station, nail salon, etc.)

Date & Time
Of the incidents occurring

Indicate if you are 18 or under

Gender & Phone Number
Of other potential victims including you

Exploitation Occurring Online
The website/chat room/personal ad where you are listed

Of the abuse or exploitation
If you are not sure if you have been tricked or made to do something you didn’t want to do, call anyway. Go here to learn more about the signs of human trafficking or click here for other resources that may help you.
If you are under 18 and someone has fooled you into having sex for money, you should call right now.
Under 18?
Are you under 18 and experiencing any of these signs?
Someone is taking advantage of you.
Call us now and we can help.